Commit 019a3a88 authored by DepFA's avatar DepFA Committed by GitHub


parent c664b231
......@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
run_preprocess = gr.Button(value="Preprocess", variant='primary')
with gr.Tab(label="Train"):
gr.HTML(value="<p style='margin-bottom: 0.7em'>Train an embedding; must specify a directory with a set of 1:1 ratio images</p>")
gr.HTML(value="<p style='margin-bottom: 0.7em'>Train an embedding or Hypernetwork; you must specify a directory with a set of 1:1 ratio images<br/>Initial learning rates: 0.005 for an Embedding, 0.00001 for Hypernetwork <a href="">wiki</a></p>")
with gr.Row():
train_embedding_name = gr.Dropdown(label='Embedding', elem_id="train_embedding", choices=sorted(sd_hijack.model_hijack.embedding_db.word_embeddings.keys()))
create_refresh_button(train_embedding_name, sd_hijack.model_hijack.embedding_db.load_textual_inversion_embeddings, lambda: {"choices": sorted(sd_hijack.model_hijack.embedding_db.word_embeddings.keys())}, "refresh_train_embedding_name")
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