Commit 1f1b3279 authored by Chris OBryan's avatar Chris OBryan

extras: Make image cache LRU

This changes the extras image cache into a Least-Recently-Used
cache. This allows more experimentation with different upscalers
without missing the cache.

Max cache size is increased to 5 and is cleared on source image
parent bde4731f
from __future__ import annotations
import math
import os
......@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ from PIL import Image
import torch
import tqdm
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple
from typing import Callable, List, OrderedDict, Tuple
from functools import partial
from dataclasses import dataclass
......@@ -21,18 +22,34 @@ import piexif.helper
import gradio as gr
class CacheKey:
image_hash: int
info_hash: int
args_hash: int
class LruCache(OrderedDict):
class Key:
image_hash: int
info_hash: int
args_hash: int
class CacheEntry:
image: Image.Image
info: str
class Value:
image: Image.Image
info: str
def __init__(self, max_size:int = 5, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._max_size = max_size
def get(self, key: LruCache.Key) -> LruCache.Value:
ret = super().get(key)
if ret is not None:
self.move_to_end(key) # Move to end of eviction list
return ret
def put(self, key: LruCache.Key, value: LruCache.Value) -> None:
self[key] = value
while len(self) > self._max_size:
cached_images: Dict[CacheKey, CacheEntry] = {}
cached_images: LruCache = LruCache(max_size = 5)
def run_extras(extras_mode, resize_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_dir, show_extras_results, gfpgan_visibility, codeformer_visibility, codeformer_weight, upscaling_resize, upscaling_resize_w, upscaling_resize_h, upscaling_crop, extras_upscaler_1, extras_upscaler_2, extras_upscaler_2_visibility, upscale_first: bool ):
......@@ -121,14 +138,14 @@ def run_extras(extras_mode, resize_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_
blended_result: Image.Image = None
for upscaler in params:
upscale_args = (upscaler.upscaler_idx, upscaling_resize, resize_mode, upscaling_resize_w, upscaling_resize_h, upscaling_crop)
cache_key = CacheKey( image_hash = hash(np.array(image.getdata()).tobytes()),
cache_key = LruCache.Key( image_hash = hash(np.array(image.getdata()).tobytes()),
info_hash = hash(info),
args_hash = hash(upscale_args) )
args_hash = hash(upscale_args + (upscaler.blend_alpha,)) )
cached_entry = cached_images.get(cache_key)
if cached_entry is None:
res = upscale(image, *upscale_args)
info += f"Upscale: {round(upscaling_resize, 3)}, visibility: {upscaler.blend_alpha}, model:{shared.sd_upscalers[upscaler.upscaler_idx].name}\n"
cached_images[cache_key] = CacheEntry(image=res, info=info)
cached_images.put(cache_key, LruCache.Value(image=res, info=info))
res, info = cached_entry.image,
......@@ -140,14 +157,11 @@ def run_extras(extras_mode, resize_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_
# Build a list of operations to run
facefix_ops: List[Callable] = []
if gfpgan_visibility > 0:
if codeformer_visibility > 0:
facefix_ops += [run_gfpgan] if gfpgan_visibility > 0 else []
facefix_ops += [run_codeformer] if codeformer_visibility > 0 else []
upscale_ops: List[Callable] = []
if resize_mode == 1:
upscale_ops += [run_prepare_crop] if resize_mode == 1 else []
if upscaling_resize != 0:
step_params: List[UpscaleParams] = []
......@@ -157,12 +171,7 @@ def run_extras(extras_mode, resize_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_
upscale_ops.append( partial(run_upscalers_blend, step_params) )
extras_ops: List[Callable] = []
if upscale_first:
extras_ops = upscale_ops + facefix_ops
extras_ops = facefix_ops + upscale_ops
extras_ops: List[Callable] = (upscale_ops + facefix_ops) if upscale_first else (facefix_ops + upscale_ops)
for image, image_name in zip(imageArr, imageNameArr):
......@@ -176,9 +185,6 @@ def run_extras(extras_mode, resize_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_
for op in extras_ops:
image, info = op(image, info)
while len(cached_images) > 2:
del cached_images[next(iter(cached_images.keys()))]
if opts.use_original_name_batch and image_name != None:
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_name))[0]
......@@ -198,6 +204,9 @@ def run_extras(extras_mode, resize_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_
return outputs, plaintext_to_html(info), ''
def clear_cache():
def run_pnginfo(image):
if image is None:
......@@ -1178,6 +1178,11 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
inputs=[], outputs=[]
with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as pnginfo_interface:
with gr.Row().style(equal_height=False):
with gr.Column(variant='panel'):
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