Commit 268dc9b3 authored by akiba's avatar akiba

fix potential ssrf attack in #12663

parent 42b72fe2
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import os
import time
import datetime
import uvicorn
import ipaddress
import requests
import gradio as gr
from threading import Lock
from io import BytesIO
......@@ -56,8 +58,27 @@ def setUpscalers(req: dict):
def decode_base64_to_image(encoding):
def verify_url(url):
import socket
from urllib.parse import urlparse
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
domain_name = parsed_url.netloc
host = socket.gethostbyname_ex(domain_name)
for ip in host[2]:
ip_addr = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
if not ip_addr.is_global:
return False
except Exception:
return False
return True
if encoding.startswith("http://") or encoding.startswith("https://"):
import requests
if not verify_url(encoding):
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Invalid image url")
response = requests.get(encoding, timeout=30, headers={'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36'})
image =
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