Commit 2be85f8f authored by AUTOMATIC1111's avatar AUTOMATIC1111

Merge pull request #14237 from ReneKroon/dev

#13354 : solve lora loading issue
parent eb52c803
......@@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ def load_network(name, network_on_disk):
bundle_embeddings = {}
for key_network, weight in sd.items():
key_network_without_network_parts, network_part = key_network.split(".", 1)
key_network_without_network_parts, _, network_part = key_network.partition(".")
if key_network_without_network_parts == "bundle_emb":
emb_name, vec_name = network_part.split(".", 1)
emb_dict = bundle_embeddings.get(emb_name, {})
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