Commit 34c358d1 authored by DepFA's avatar DepFA Committed by GitHub

use typing.list in for wider python version support

parent f8e41a96
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import List
import lark
# a prompt like this: "fantasy landscape with a [mountain:lake:0.25] and [an oak:a christmas tree:0.75][ in foreground::0.6][ in background:0.25] [shoddy:masterful:0.5]"
......@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ def get_multicond_prompt_list(prompts):
class ComposableScheduledPromptConditioning:
def __init__(self, schedules, weight=1.0):
self.schedules: list[ScheduledPromptConditioning] = schedules
self.schedules: List[ScheduledPromptConditioning] = schedules
self.weight: float = weight
class MulticondLearnedConditioning:
def __init__(self, shape, batch):
self.shape: tuple = shape # the shape field is needed to send this object to DDIM/PLMS
self.batch: list[list[ComposableScheduledPromptConditioning]] = batch
self.batch: List[List[ComposableScheduledPromptConditioning]] = batch
def get_multicond_learned_conditioning(model, prompts, steps) -> MulticondLearnedConditioning:
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ def get_multicond_learned_conditioning(model, prompts, steps) -> MulticondLearne
return MulticondLearnedConditioning(shape=(len(prompts),), batch=res)
def reconstruct_cond_batch(c: list[list[ScheduledPromptConditioning]], current_step):
def reconstruct_cond_batch(c: List[List[ScheduledPromptConditioning]], current_step):
param = c[0][0].cond
res = torch.zeros((len(c),) + param.shape, device=param.device, dtype=param.dtype)
for i, cond_schedule in enumerate(c):
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