Commit 364bce10 authored by AUTOMATIC's avatar AUTOMATIC

put manual instructions above WSL, clarify they work for windows and linux

parent cbfd0cae
......@@ -173,75 +173,53 @@ After running once, a `ui-config.json` file appears in webui directory:
Edit values to your liking and the next time you launch the program they will be applied.
### Windows 11 WSL2 instructions
Alternatively, here are instructions for installing under Windows 11 WSL2 Linux distro, everything by hand:
# install conda (if not already done)
chmod +x
# Clone webui repo
git clone
cd stable-diffusion-webui
# Create and activate conda env
conda env create -f environment-wsl2.yaml
conda activate automatic
# (optional) install requirements for GFPGAN (upscaling)
After that follow the instructions in the `Manual instructions` section starting at step `:: clone repositories for Stable Diffusion and (optionally) CodeFormer`.
### Manual instructions
### Manual installation
Alternatively, if you don't want to run webui.bat, here are instructions for installing
everything by hand:
everything by hand. This can run on both Windows and Linux (if you're on linux, use `ls`
instead of `dir`).
:: install torch with CUDA support. See for more instructions if this fails.
# install torch with CUDA support. See for more instructions if this fails.
pip install torch --extra-index-url
:: check if torch supports GPU; this must output "True". You need CUDA 11. installed for this. You might be able to use
:: a different version, but this is what I tested.
# check if torch supports GPU; this must output "True". You need CUDA 11. installed for this. You might be able to use
# a different version, but this is what I tested.
python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())"
:: clone web ui and go into its directory
# clone web ui and go into its directory
git clone
cd stable-diffusion-webui
:: clone repositories for Stable Diffusion and (optionally) CodeFormer
# clone repositories for Stable Diffusion and (optionally) CodeFormer
mkdir repositories
git clone repositories/stable-diffusion
git clone repositories/taming-transformers
git clone repositories/CodeFormer
:: install requirements of Stable Diffusion
# install requirements of Stable Diffusion
pip install transformers==4.19.2 diffusers invisible-watermark --prefer-binary
:: install k-diffusion
# install k-diffusion
pip install git+ --prefer-binary
:: (optional) install GFPGAN (face resoration)
# (optional) install GFPGAN (face resoration)
pip install git+ --prefer-binary
:: (optional) install requirements for CodeFormer (face resoration)
# (optional) install requirements for CodeFormer (face resoration)
pip install -r repositories/CodeFormer/requirements.txt --prefer-binary
:: install requirements of web ui
# install requirements of web ui
pip install -r requirements.txt --prefer-binary
:: update numpy to latest version
# update numpy to latest version
pip install -U numpy --prefer-binary
:: (outside of command line) put stable diffusion model into web ui directory
:: the command below must output something like: 1 File(s) 4,265,380,512 bytes
# (outside of command line) put stable diffusion model into web ui directory
# the command below must output something like: 1 File(s) 4,265,380,512 bytes
dir model.ckpt
:: (outside of command line) put the GFPGAN model into web ui directory
:: the command below must output something like: 1 File(s) 348,632,874 bytes
# (outside of command line) put the GFPGAN model into web ui directory
# the command below must output something like: 1 File(s) 348,632,874 bytes
dir GFPGANv1.3.pth
......@@ -272,6 +250,30 @@ Running on local URL:
Open the URL in browser, and you are good to go.
### Windows 11 WSL2 instructions
Alternatively, here are instructions for installing under Windows 11 WSL2 Linux distro, everything by hand:
# install conda (if not already done)
chmod +x
# Clone webui repo
git clone
cd stable-diffusion-webui
# Create and activate conda env
conda env create -f environment-wsl2.yaml
conda activate automatic
# (optional) install requirements for GFPGAN (upscaling)
After that follow the instructions in the `Manual instructions` section starting at step `:: clone repositories for Stable Diffusion and (optionally) CodeFormer`.
## Credits
- Stable Diffusion -,
- k-diffusion -
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