Commit 442dbedc authored by Anastasius's avatar Anastasius Committed by AUTOMATIC1111

Estimated time displayed if jobs take more 60 sec

parent bcfbb33e
......@@ -261,13 +261,17 @@ def wrap_gradio_call(func, extra_outputs=None):
return f
def calc_time_left(progress):
def calc_time_left(progress, threshold, label, force_display):
if progress == 0:
return "N/A"
return ""
time_since_start = time.time() - shared.state.time_start
eta = (time_since_start/progress)
return time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(eta-time_since_start))
eta_relative = eta-time_since_start
if eta_relative > threshold or force_display:
return label + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(eta_relative))
return ""
def check_progress_call(id_part):
......@@ -281,13 +285,15 @@ def check_progress_call(id_part):
if shared.state.sampling_steps > 0:
progress += 1 / shared.state.job_count * shared.state.sampling_step / shared.state.sampling_steps
time_left = calc_time_left( progress )
time_left = calc_time_left( progress, 60, " ETA:", shared.state.time_left_force_display )
if time_left != "":
shared.state.time_left_force_display = True
progress = min(progress, 1)
progressbar = ""
if opts.show_progressbar:
progressbar = f"""<div class='progressDiv'><div class='progress' style="overflow:hidden;width:{progress * 100}%">{str(int(progress*100))+"% ETA:"+time_left if progress > 0.01 else ""}</div></div>"""
progressbar = f"""<div class='progressDiv'><div class='progress' style="overflow:hidden;width:{progress * 100}%">{str(int(progress*100))+"%"+time_left if progress > 0.01 else ""}</div></div>"""
image = gr_show(False)
preview_visibility = gr_show(False)
......@@ -320,6 +326,7 @@ def check_progress_call_initial(id_part):
shared.state.current_image = None
shared.state.textinfo = None
shared.state.time_start = time.time()
shared.state.time_left_force_display = False
return check_progress_call(id_part)
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