Commit 505a10ad authored by AUTOMATIC's avatar AUTOMATIC

use file modification time instead of current time for #9760

parent 879ed542
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
* make the lightbox fullscreen image function properly
* fix squished thumbnails in extras tab
* keep "search" filter for extra networks when user refreshes the tab (previously it showed everthing after you refreshed)
* fix webui showing the same image if you configure the generation to always save results into same file
## 1.1.1
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ def check_tmp_file(gradio, filename):
def save_pil_to_file(pil_image, dir=None):
already_saved_as = getattr(pil_image, 'already_saved_as', None)
if already_saved_as and os.path.isfile(already_saved_as):
already_saved_as += f'?{int(time())}'
already_saved_as += f'?{os.path.getmtime(already_saved_as)}'
register_tmp_file(shared.demo, already_saved_as)
file_obj = Savedfile(already_saved_as)
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