Commit 54fbdcf4 authored by Danil Boldyrev's avatar Danil Boldyrev

Improve integration, fix for new gradio

parent 2e9289bc
......@@ -15,6 +15,19 @@ onUiLoaded(async() => {
// Helper functions
// Get active tab
* Waits for an element to be present in the DOM.
const waitForElement = (id) => new Promise(resolve => {
const checkForElement = () => {
const element = document.querySelector(id);
if (element) return resolve(element);
setTimeout(checkForElement, 100);
function getActiveTab(elements, all = false) {
const tabs = elements.img2imgTabs.querySelectorAll("button");
......@@ -393,9 +406,6 @@ onUiLoaded(async() => {
} = "";
if (canvas) { =;
// Toggle the zIndex of the target element between two values, allowing it to overlap or be overlapped by other elements
......@@ -558,7 +568,7 @@ onUiLoaded(async() => {
if (!canvas) return;
if (canvas.offsetWidth > 862) { = canvas.offsetWidth + "px"; = (canvas.offsetWidth + 2) + "px";
if (fullScreenMode) {
......@@ -826,5 +836,52 @@ onUiLoaded(async() => {
// Make the function global so that other extensions can take advantage of this solution
window.applyZoomAndPan = applyZoomAndPan;
const applyZoomAndPanIntegration = async(id, elementIDs) => {
const mainEl = document.querySelector(id);
if (id.toLocaleLowerCase() === "none") {
for (const elementID of elementIDs) {
const el = await waitForElement(elementID);
if (!el) break;
if (!mainEl) return;
mainEl.addEventListener("click", async() => {
for (const elementID of elementIDs) {
const el = await waitForElement(elementID);
if (!el) break;
}, {once: true});
window.applyZoomAndPan = applyZoomAndPan; // Only 1 elements, argument elementID, for example applyZoomAndPan("#txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_input_image")
window.applyZoomAndPanIntegration = applyZoomAndPanIntegration; // for any extension
The function `applyZoomAndPanIntegration` takes two arguments:
1. `id`: A string identifier for the element to which zoom and pan functionality will be applied on click.
If the `id` value is "none", the functionality will be applied to all elements specified in the second argument without a click event.
2. `elementIDs`: An array of string identifiers for elements. Zoom and pan functionality will be applied to each of these elements on click of the element specified by the first argument.
If "none" is specified in the first argument, the functionality will be applied to each of these elements without a click event.
Example usage:
applyZoomAndPanIntegration("#txt2img_controlnet", ["#txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_input_image"]);
In this example, zoom and pan functionality will be applied to the element with the identifier "txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_input_image" upon clicking the element with the identifier "txt2img_controlnet".
// More examples
// Add integration with ControlNet txt2img One TAB
// applyZoomAndPanIntegration("#txt2img_controlnet", ["#txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet_input_image"]);
// Add integration with ControlNet txt2img Tabs
// applyZoomAndPanIntegration("#txt2img_controlnet",Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, i) => `#txt2img_controlnet_ControlNet-${i}_input_image`));
// Add integration with Inpaint Anything
// applyZoomAndPanIntegration("None", ["#ia_sam_image", "#ia_sel_mask"]);
......@@ -61,3 +61,6 @@
to {opacity: 1;}
.styler {
overflow:inherit !important;
\ No newline at end of file
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