Commit 5a759687 authored by EyeDeck's avatar EyeDeck Committed by AUTOMATIC1111

Move memmon tooltip to hints.js

Move memmon tooltip to hints.js

so it's with the other tooltips, and doesn't have to be re-sent from the server every time.

Also, allowed tooltips to be applied by matching a class name if all else fails.
parent 1878994f
......@@ -70,17 +70,28 @@ titles = {
"Create style": "Save current prompts as a style. If you add the token {prompt} to the text, the style use that as placeholder for your prompt when you use the style in the future.",
"Checkpoint name": "Loads weights from checkpoint before making images. You can either use hash or a part of filename (as seen in settings) for checkpoint name. Recommended to use with Y axis for less switching.",
"vram": "Torch active: Peak amount of VRAM used by Torch during generation, excluding cached data.\nTorch reserved: Peak amount of VRAM allocated by Torch, including all active and cached data.\nSys VRAM: Peak amount of VRAM allocation across all applications / total GPU VRAM (peak utilization%).",
gradioApp().querySelectorAll('span, button, select').forEach(function(span){
gradioApp().querySelectorAll('span, button, select, p').forEach(function(span){
tooltip = titles[span.textContent];
tooltip = titles[span.value];
for (const c of span.classList) {
if (c in titles) {
tooltip = titles[c];
span.title = tooltip;
......@@ -151,11 +151,8 @@ def wrap_gradio_call(func):
sys_peak = mem_stats['system_peak']
sys_total = mem_stats['total']
sys_pct = round(sys_peak/max(sys_total, 1) * 100, 2)
vram_tooltip = "Torch active: Peak amount of VRAM used by Torch during generation, excluding cached data.
" \
"Torch reserved: Peak amount of VRAM allocated by Torch, including all active and cached data.
" \
"Sys VRAM: Peak amount of VRAM allocation across all applications / total GPU VRAM (peak utilization%)."
vram_html = f"<p class='vram' title='{vram_tooltip}'>Torch active/reserved: {active_peak}/{reserved_peak} MiB, <wbr>Sys VRAM: {sys_peak}/{sys_total} MiB ({sys_pct}%)</p>"
vram_html = f"<p class='vram'>Torch active/reserved: {active_peak}/{reserved_peak} MiB, <wbr>Sys VRAM: {sys_peak}/{sys_total} MiB ({sys_pct}%)</p>"
vram_html = ''
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