Commit 5c0c778a authored by RnDMonkey's avatar RnDMonkey Committed by AUTOMATIC1111

fixed so that {prompt} can be anywhere in style

parent ff4df06c
......@@ -290,7 +290,11 @@ def apply_filename_pattern(x, p, seed, prompt):
if "[prompt_no_styles]" in x:
prompt_no_style = prompt
for style in shared.prompt_styles.get_style_prompts(p.styles):
prompt_no_style = prompt_no_style.replace(style.replace("{prompt}", ""), "")
if len(style) > 0:
style_parts = [y for y in style.split("{prompt}")]
for part in style_parts:
prompt_no_style = prompt_no_style.replace(part, "").replace(", ,", ",").strip().strip(',')
prompt_no_style = prompt_no_style.replace(style, "").strip().strip(',').strip()
x = x.replace("[prompt_no_styles]", sanitize_filename_part(prompt_no_style, replace_spaces=False))
x = x.replace("[prompt_spaces]", sanitize_filename_part(prompt, replace_spaces=False))
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