Commit 5df535b7 authored by brkirch's avatar brkirch

Remove duplicate code for torchsde randn

parent 232c931f
......@@ -52,9 +52,6 @@ def cumsum_fix(input, cumsum_func, *args, **kwargs):
if has_mps:
# MPS fix for randn in torchsde
CondFunc('torchsde._brownian.brownian_interval._randn', lambda _, size, dtype, device, seed: torch.randn(size, dtype=dtype, device=torch.device("cpu"), generator=torch.Generator(torch.device("cpu")).manual_seed(int(seed))).to(device), lambda _, size, dtype, device, seed: device.type == 'mps')
if platform.mac_ver()[0].startswith("13.2."):
# MPS workaround for, thanks to danieldk (
CondFunc('torch.nn.functional.linear', lambda _, input, weight, bias: (torch.matmul(input, weight.t()) + bias) if bias is not None else torch.matmul(input, weight.t()), lambda _, input, weight, bias: input.numel() > 10485760)
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