Commit 642faa1f authored by AUTOMATIC1111's avatar AUTOMATIC1111

Merge pull request #12856 from catboxanon/extra-noise-noisy-latent

Add noisy latent to `ExtraNoiseParams` for callback
parent a0af2852
......@@ -29,12 +29,15 @@ class ImageSaveParams:
class ExtraNoiseParams:
def __init__(self, noise, x):
def __init__(self, noise, x, xi):
self.noise = noise
"""Random noise generated by the seed"""
self.x = x
"""Latent image representation of the image"""
"""Latent representation of the image"""
self.xi = xi
"""Noisy latent representation of the image"""
class CFGDenoiserParams:
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class KDiffusionSampler(sd_samplers_common.Sampler):
if opts.img2img_extra_noise > 0:
p.extra_generation_params["Extra noise"] = opts.img2img_extra_noise
extra_noise_params = ExtraNoiseParams(noise, x)
extra_noise_params = ExtraNoiseParams(noise, x, xi)
noise = extra_noise_params.noise
xi += noise * opts.img2img_extra_noise
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class CompVisSampler(sd_samplers_common.Sampler):
if opts.img2img_extra_noise > 0:
p.extra_generation_params["Extra noise"] = opts.img2img_extra_noise
extra_noise_params = ExtraNoiseParams(noise, x)
extra_noise_params = ExtraNoiseParams(noise, x, xi)
noise = extra_noise_params.noise
xi += noise * opts.img2img_extra_noise * sqrt_alpha_cumprod
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