Commit 6705b176 authored by AUTOMATIC1111's avatar AUTOMATIC1111 Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #8092 from infinitewarp/sort-upscalers

sort upscalers by name
parents 8ec0442d d118cb6e
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from urllib.parse import urlparse
from basicsr.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url
from modules import shared
from modules.upscaler import Upscaler
from modules.upscaler import Upscaler, UpscalerLanczos, UpscalerNearest, UpscalerNone
from modules.paths import script_path, models_path
......@@ -169,4 +169,8 @@ def load_upscalers():
scaler = cls(commandline_options.get(cmd_name, None))
datas += scaler.scalers
shared.sd_upscalers = datas
shared.sd_upscalers = sorted(
# Special case for UpscalerNone keeps it at the beginning of the list.
key=lambda x: if not isinstance(x.scaler, (UpscalerNone, UpscalerLanczos, UpscalerNearest)) else ""
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