Commit 6a28aac8 authored by AUTOMATIC's avatar AUTOMATIC

prevent black screen when seed and variation seed are the same.

parent c76a616b
......@@ -117,7 +117,12 @@ class Processed:
def slerp(val, low, high):
low_norm = low/torch.norm(low, dim=1, keepdim=True)
high_norm = high/torch.norm(high, dim=1, keepdim=True)
omega = torch.acos((low_norm*high_norm).sum(1))
dot = (low_norm*high_norm).sum(1)
if dot.mean() > 0.9995:
return low * val + high * (1 - val)
omega = torch.acos(dot)
so = torch.sin(omega)
res = (torch.sin((1.0-val)*omega)/so).unsqueeze(1)*low + (torch.sin(val*omega)/so).unsqueeze(1) * high
return res
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