Commit 6be32b31 authored by AUTOMATIC's avatar AUTOMATIC

reports that training with medvram is possible.

parent 2f6ea2fb
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def train_hypernetwork(*args):
initial_hypernetwork = shared.loaded_hypernetwork
assert not shared.cmd_opts.lowvram and not shared.cmd_opts.medvram, 'Training models with lowvram or medvram is not possible'
assert not shared.cmd_opts.lowvram, 'Training models with lowvram is not possible'
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def preprocess(*args):
def train_embedding(*args):
assert not shared.cmd_opts.lowvram and not shared.cmd_opts.medvram, 'Training models with lowvram or medvram is not possible'
assert not shared.cmd_opts.lowvram, 'Training models with lowvram not possible'
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