Commit 6fe85e8d authored by AUTOMATIC1111's avatar AUTOMATIC1111 Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #10581 from shinshin86/readme-mac-shortcut

[README] Update keyboard shortcut instructions for MacOS users
parents 696f16e9 6a676cc1
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ A browser interface based on Gradio library for Stable Diffusion.
- Attention, specify parts of text that the model should pay more attention to
- a man in a `((tuxedo))` - will pay more attention to tuxedo
- a man in a `(tuxedo:1.21)` - alternative syntax
- select text and press `Ctrl+Up` or `Ctrl+Down` to automatically adjust attention to selected text (code contributed by anonymous user)
- select text and press `Ctrl+Up` or `Ctrl+Down` (or `Command+Up` or `Command+Down` if you're on a MacOS) to automatically adjust attention to selected text (code contributed by anonymous user)
- Loopback, run img2img processing multiple times
- X/Y/Z plot, a way to draw a 3 dimensional plot of images with different parameters
- Textual Inversion
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