Commit 71a0f6ef authored by AnyISalIn's avatar AnyISalIn

feat: replace threading.Lock() to FIFOLock

Signed-off-by: default avatarAnyISalIn <>
parent 42b72fe2
from functools import wraps from functools import wraps
import html import html
import threading
import time import time
from modules import shared, progress, errors, devices from modules import shared, progress, errors, devices, fifo_lock
queue_lock = threading.Lock() queue_lock = fifo_lock.FIFOLock()
def wrap_queued_call(func): def wrap_queued_call(func):
import threading
import collections
# reference:
class FIFOLock(object):
def __init__(self):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._inner_lock = threading.Lock()
self._pending_threads = collections.deque()
def acquire(self, blocking=True):
with self._inner_lock:
lock_acquired = self._lock.acquire(False)
if lock_acquired:
return True
elif not blocking:
return False
release_event = threading.Event()
return self._lock.acquire()
def release(self):
with self._inner_lock:
if self._pending_threads:
release_event = self._pending_threads.popleft()
__enter__ = acquire
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
...@@ -72,7 +72,12 @@ def progressapi(req: ProgressRequest): ...@@ -72,7 +72,12 @@ def progressapi(req: ProgressRequest):
completed = req.id_task in finished_tasks completed = req.id_task in finished_tasks
if not active: if not active:
return ProgressResponse(active=active, queued=queued, completed=completed, id_live_preview=-1, textinfo="In queue..." if queued else "Waiting...") textinfo = "Waiting..."
if queued:
sorted_queued = sorted(pending_tasks.keys(), key=lambda x: pending_tasks[x])
queue_index = sorted_queued.index(req.id_task)
textinfo = "In queue: {}/{}".format(queue_index + 1, len(sorted_queued))
return ProgressResponse(active=active, queued=queued, completed=completed, id_live_preview=-1, textinfo=textinfo)
progress = 0 progress = 0
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