Commit 806ea639 authored by AUTOMATIC1111's avatar AUTOMATIC1111 Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #11066 from aljungberg/patch-1

Fix upcast attention dtype error.
parents a009fe15 d9cc0910
......@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ def sdp_attnblock_forward(self, x):
q, k, v = (rearrange(t, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c') for t in (q, k, v))
dtype = q.dtype
if shared.opts.upcast_attn:
q, k = q.float(), k.float()
q, k, v = q.float(), k.float(), v.float()
q = q.contiguous()
k = k.contiguous()
v = v.contiguous()
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