Commit 97749b7c authored by discus0434's avatar discus0434 Committed by GitHub

Merge branch 'AUTOMATIC1111:master' into master

parents 7912acef 7fd90128
......@@ -325,6 +325,8 @@ def train_hypernetwork(hypernetwork_name, learn_rate, batch_size, data_root, log
# if optimizer == "AdamW": or else Adam / AdamW / SGD, etc...
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(weights, lr=scheduler.learn_rate)
steps_without_grad = 0
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(ds), total=steps - ititial_step)
for i, entries in pbar:
hypernetwork.step = i + ititial_step
......@@ -347,8 +349,17 @@ def train_hypernetwork(hypernetwork_name, learn_rate, batch_size, data_root, log
losses[hypernetwork.step % losses.shape[0]] = loss.item()
weights[0].grad = None
if weights[0].grad is None:
steps_without_grad += 1
steps_without_grad = 0
assert steps_without_grad < 10, 'no gradient found for the trained weight after backward() for 10 steps in a row; this is a bug; training cannot continue'
mean_loss = losses.mean()
if torch.isnan(mean_loss):
raise RuntimeError("Loss diverged.")
......@@ -1648,6 +1648,9 @@ Requested path was: {f}
css = ""
for cssfile in modules.scripts.list_files_with_name("style.css"):
if not os.path.isfile(cssfile):
with open(cssfile, "r", encoding="utf8") as file:
css += + "\n"
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