Commit a4d5fdd3 authored by grimatoma's avatar grimatoma

Remove max width for model dropdown

Removing the max width for the model dropdown allows the user to see the full name of a model especially when it is long.
Model names are getting more complex and longer and the current width almost always cuts off model names.
If a user leverages folders than it pretty much always cuts off the name...
parent ce38ee8f
......@@ -363,12 +363,10 @@ div#extras_scale_to_tab div.form{
/* settings */
#quicksettings {
width: fit-content;
align-items: end;
#quicksettings > div, #quicksettings > fieldset{
max-width: 24em;
min-width: 24em;
padding: 0;
border: none;
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