Commit a74c0144 authored by Danil Boldyrev's avatar Danil Boldyrev

auto-expand enable by default

parent bc7906e6
...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ shared.options_templates.update(shared.options_section(('canvas_hotkey', "Canvas ...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ shared.options_templates.update(shared.options_section(('canvas_hotkey', "Canvas
"canvas_hotkey_reset": shared.OptionInfo("R", "Reset zoom and canvas positon"), "canvas_hotkey_reset": shared.OptionInfo("R", "Reset zoom and canvas positon"),
"canvas_hotkey_overlap": shared.OptionInfo("O", "Toggle overlap").info("Technical button, neededs for testing"), "canvas_hotkey_overlap": shared.OptionInfo("O", "Toggle overlap").info("Technical button, neededs for testing"),
"canvas_show_tooltip": shared.OptionInfo(True, "Enable tooltip on the canvas"), "canvas_show_tooltip": shared.OptionInfo(True, "Enable tooltip on the canvas"),
"canvas_auto_expand": shared.OptionInfo(False, "Automatically expands an image that does not fit completely in the canvas area, similar to manually pressing the S and R buttons"), "canvas_auto_expand": shared.OptionInfo(True, "Automatically expands an image that does not fit completely in the canvas area, similar to manually pressing the S and R buttons"),
"canvas_blur_prompt": shared.OptionInfo(False, "Take the focus off the prompt when working with a canvas"), "canvas_blur_prompt": shared.OptionInfo(False, "Take the focus off the prompt when working with a canvas"),
"canvas_disabled_functions": shared.OptionInfo(["Overlap"], "Disable function that you don't use", gr.CheckboxGroup, {"choices": ["Zoom","Adjust brush size", "Moving canvas","Fullscreen","Reset Zoom","Overlap"]}), "canvas_disabled_functions": shared.OptionInfo(["Overlap"], "Disable function that you don't use", gr.CheckboxGroup, {"choices": ["Zoom","Adjust brush size", "Moving canvas","Fullscreen","Reset Zoom","Overlap"]}),
})) }))
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