Commit c0725ba2 authored by aria1th's avatar aria1th

Fix inverted option issue

I'm pretty sure I was sleepy while implementing this
parent c40be225
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ def hypertile_context_vae(model:nn.Module, aspect_ratio:float, tile_size:int, op
Returns context manager for VAE
enabled = not opts.hypertile_split_vae_attn
enabled = opts.hypertile_split_vae_attn
swap_size = opts.hypertile_swap_size_vae
max_depth = opts.hypertile_max_depth_vae
tile_size_max = opts.hypertile_max_tile_vae
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ def hypertile_context_unet(model:nn.Module, aspect_ratio:float, tile_size:int, o
Returns context manager for U-Net
enabled = not opts.hypertile_split_unet_attn
enabled = opts.hypertile_split_unet_attn
swap_size = opts.hypertile_swap_size_unet
max_depth = opts.hypertile_max_depth_unet
tile_size_max = opts.hypertile_max_tile_unet
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