Commit d9716215 authored by supersteve3d's avatar supersteve3d Committed by GitHub


Add hyperlink for 'extensions' from to the new wiki entry on extensions.
parent df0a1f83
......@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ Check the [custom scripts](
- Highres Fix, a convenience option to produce high resolution pictures in one click without usual distortions
- Reloading checkpoints on the fly
- Checkpoint Merger, a tab that allows you to merge up to 3 checkpoints into one
- [Custom scripts]( with many extensions from community
- [Custom scripts]( with many [extensions]( from community
- [Composable-Diffusion](, a way to use multiple prompts at once
- separate prompts using uppercase `AND`
- also supports weights for prompts: `a cat :1.2 AND a dog AND a penguin :2.2`
- No token limit for prompts (original stable diffusion lets you use up to 75 tokens)
- DeepDanbooru integration, creates danbooru style tags for anime prompts (add --deepdanbooru to commandline args)
- [xformers](, major speed increase for select cards: (add --xformers to commandline args)
- via extension: [History tab]( view, direct and delete images conveniently within the UI
- via [extension]( [History tab]( view, direct and delete images conveniently within the UI
- Generate forever option
- Training tab
- hypernetworks and embeddings options
......@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ Check the [custom scripts](
- Estimated completion time in progress bar
- Support for dedicated [inpainting model]( by RunwayML.
- via extension: [Aesthetic Gradients](, a way to generate images with a specific aesthetic by using clip images embds (implementation of [](
- via [extension]( [Aesthetic Gradients](, a way to generate images with a specific aesthetic by using clip images embds (implementation of [](
## Where are Aesthetic Gradients?!?!
Aesthetic Gradients are now an extension. You can install it using git:
Aesthetic Gradients are now an [extension]( You can install it using git:
git clone extensions/aesthetic-gradients
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ After running this command, make sure that you have `aesthetic-gradients` dir in
the UI. The interface for Aesthetic Gradients should appear exactly the same as it was.
## Where is History/Image browser?!?!
Image browser is now an extension. You can install it using git:
Image browser is now an [extension]( You can install it using git:
git clone extensions/images-browser
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