Commit dc11748d authored by William Moorehouse's avatar William Moorehouse

Added smoothstep interpolation to checkpoint merging

parent 91643f65
......@@ -139,16 +139,31 @@ def run_pnginfo(image):
return '', geninfo, info
def run_modelmerger(modelname_0, modelname_1, alpha):
def run_modelmerger(modelname_0, modelname_1, interp_method, interp_amount):
# Linear interpolation (
def weighted_sum(theta0, theta1, alpha):
return ((1 - alpha) * theta0) + (alpha * theta1)
# Smoothstep (
def sigmoid(theta0, theta1, alpha):
alpha = alpha * alpha * (3 - (2 * alpha))
return theta0 + ((theta1 - theta0) * alpha)
model_0 = torch.load('models/' + modelname_0 + '.ckpt')
model_1 = torch.load('models/' + modelname_1 + '.ckpt')
theta_0 = model_0['state_dict']
theta_1 = model_1['state_dict']
theta_func = weighted_sum
if interp_method == "Weighted Sum":
theta_func = weighted_sum
if interp_method == "Sigmoid":
theta_func = sigmoid
for key in theta_0.keys():
if 'model' in key and key in theta_1:
theta_0[key] = (1 - alpha) * theta_0[key] + alpha * theta_1[key]
theta_0[key] = theta_func(theta_0[key], theta_1[key], interp_amount)
for key in theta_1.keys():
if 'model' in key and key not in theta_0:
......@@ -860,7 +860,8 @@ def create_ui(txt2img, img2img, run_extras, run_pnginfo, run_modelmerger):
modelname_0 = gr.Textbox(elem_id="modelmerger_modelname_0", label="Model Name (to)")
modelname_1 = gr.Textbox(elem_id="modelmerger_modelname_1", label="Model Name (from)")
alpha = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.05, label='Alpha', value=0.3)
interp_method = gr.Radio(choices=["Weighted Sum", "Sigmoid"], value="Weighted Sum", label="Interpolation Method")
interp_amount = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.05, label='Interpolation Amount', value=0.3)
submit = gr.Button(elem_id="modelmerger_merge", label="Merge", variant='primary')
with gr.Column(variant='panel'):
......@@ -871,7 +872,8 @@ def create_ui(txt2img, img2img, run_extras, run_pnginfo, run_modelmerger):
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