Commit e2c8584f authored by Vladimir Repin's avatar Vladimir Repin

make VENV envvar accept absolute path instead of relative

parent 50fb20ce
@echo off
if not defined PYTHON (set PYTHON=python)
if not defined VENV_DIR (set VENV_DIR=venv)
if not defined VENV_DIR (set VENV_DIR=%~dp0\venv)
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ echo Unable to create venv in directory %VENV_DIR%
goto :show_stdout_stderr
set PYTHON="%~dp0%VENV_DIR%\Scripts\Python.exe"
set PYTHON="%VENV_DIR%\Scripts\Python.exe"
echo venv %PYTHON%
if [%ACCELERATE%] == ["True"] goto :accelerate
goto :launch
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ goto :launch
echo "Checking for accelerate"
set ACCELERATE="%~dp0%VENV_DIR%\Scripts\accelerate.exe"
set ACCELERATE="%VENV_DIR%\Scripts\accelerate.exe"
if EXIST %ACCELERATE% goto :accelerate_launch
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