Commit e615d4f9 authored by Hanusz Leszek's avatar Hanusz Leszek Committed by AUTOMATIC1111

Convert folder icon surrogate pair to valid utf8

parent 2cd6a00f
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ titles = {
"\u267b\ufe0f": "Reuse seed from last generation, mostly useful if it was randomed",
"\u{1f3a8}": "Add a random artist to the prompt.",
"\u2199\ufe0f": "Read generation parameters from prompt into user interface.",
"\uD83D\uDCC2": "Open images output directory",
"\u{1f4c2}": "Open images output directory",
"Inpaint a part of image": "Draw a mask over an image, and the script will regenerate the masked area with content according to prompt",
"SD upscale": "Upscale image normally, split result into tiles, improve each tile using img2img, merge whole image back",
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ random_symbol = '\U0001f3b2\ufe0f' # 🎲️
reuse_symbol = '\u267b\ufe0f' # ♻️
art_symbol = '\U0001f3a8' # 🎨
paste_symbol = '\u2199\ufe0f' # ↙
folder_symbol = '\uD83D\uDCC2'
folder_symbol = '\U0001f4c2' # 📂
def plaintext_to_html(text):
text = "<p>" + "<br>\n".join([f"{html.escape(x)}" for x in text.split('\n')]) + "</p>"
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