Commit fc2aa6b8 authored by DepFA's avatar DepFA Committed by AUTOMATIC1111

Add extra sampler params to xy_grid

parent a860839f
......@@ -87,7 +87,12 @@ axis_options = [
AxisOption("Prompt S/R", str, apply_prompt, format_value),
AxisOption("Sampler", str, apply_sampler, format_value),
AxisOption("Checkpoint name", str, apply_checkpoint, format_value),
AxisOptionImg2Img("Denoising", float, apply_field("denoising_strength"), format_value_add_label), # as it is now all AxisOptionImg2Img items must go after AxisOption ones
AxisOption("Sigma Churn", float, apply_field("s_churn"), format_value_add_label),
AxisOption("Sigma min", float, apply_field("s_tmin"), format_value_add_label),
AxisOption("Sigma max", float, apply_field("s_tmax"), format_value_add_label),
AxisOption("Sigma noise", float, apply_field("s_noise"), format_value_add_label),
AxisOptionImg2Img("Denoising", float, apply_field("denoising_strength"), format_value_add_label),
AxisOptionImg2Img("DDIM Eta", float, apply_field("ddim_eta"), format_value_add_label) # as it is now all AxisOptionImg2Img items must go after AxisOption ones
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