Commit 23546f20 authored by 神楽坂玲奈's avatar 神楽坂玲奈

fix i18n

parent 495675c8
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"release": "tsc && build",
"build:aot": "ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json && rollup -c rollup-config.js",
"tsc": "tsc",
"i18n": "ng-xi18n && sed -i.bak 's/source-language=\"en\"/source-language=\"zh-CN\"/' messages.xlf",
"i18n": "ng-xi18n --i18nFormat 'xlf2' && sed -i.bak 's/source-language=\"en\"/source-language=\"zh-CN\"/' messages.xlf",
"i18n:upload": "npm run i18n && curl --location --user ${TRANSIFEX_USERNAME}:${TRANSIFEX_PASSWORD} --request PUT --header 'Content-type: multipart/form-data' --form content=@messages.xlf",
"i18n:translate": "open",
"i18n:download": "curl --output locale/messages.en-US.xlf --retry 5 --location --user ${TRANSIFEX_USERNAME}:${TRANSIFEX_PASSWORD} && sed -i.bak 's/\\&amp;/\\&/g; s/\\&lt;/</g; s/\\&gt;/>/g; s/\\&quot;/\"/g;' locale/messages.en-US.xlf"
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