Commit fa26571c authored by 神楽坂玲奈's avatar 神楽坂玲奈


parent 3d65af05
......@@ -61,16 +61,78 @@ export class AppsService {
async migrate() {
await this.bundle();
await this.migrate_v2_ygopro();
await this.migreate_library();
async bundle() {
try {
const bundle = require(path.join('appData'), 'mycard', 'bundle.json'));
// 示例:
// [
// {
// "app": "th105",
// "createShortcut": false,
// "createDesktopShortcut": false,
// "install": true,
// "installDir": "D:\\MyCardLibrary\\apps\\th105",
// "installLibrary": "D:\\MyCardLibrary"
// },
// {
// "app": "th105-lang-zh-CN",
// "createShortcut": false,
// "createDesktopShortcut": false,
// "install": true,
// "installDir": "D:\\MyCardLibrary\\apps\\th105",
// "installLibrary": "D:\\MyCardLibrary"
// },
// {
// "app": "th123",
// "createShortcut": false,
// "createDesktopShortcut": true,
// "install": true,
// "installDir": "D:\\MyCardLibrary\\apps\\th123",
// "installLibrary": "D:\\MyCardLibrary"
// },
// {
// "app": "th123-lang-zh-CN",
// "createShortcut": false,
// "createDesktopShortcut": false,
// "install": true,
// "installDir": "D:\\MyCardLibrary\\apps\\th123",
// "installLibrary": "D:\\MyCardLibrary"
// },
// {
// "app": "directx",
// "createShortcut": false,
// "createDesktopShortcut": false,
// "install": true,
// "installDir": "D:\\MyCardLibrary\\apps\\directx",
// "installLibrary": "D:\\MyCardLibrary"
// },
// ]
// {
// library: "D:\\MyCardLibrary",
// apps: ["th105", "th105-lang-zh-CN", "th123", "th123-lang-zh-CN", "directx"]
// }
// 文件在 D:\MyCardLibrary\cache\th105.tar.xz, D:\MyCardLibrary\cache\th105-lang-zh-CN.tar.xz ...
// TODO: 安装那些app,不需要下载。安装成功后删除 bundle.json
} catch (error) {
async migrate_v2_ygopro() {
// 导入萌卡 v2 的 YGOPRO
if (this.apps.get('ygopro')!.isInstalled()) {
try {
const legacy_ygopro_path = require(path.join('db.json')).local.ygopro.path;
const legacy_ygopro_path = require(path.join('appData'), 'mycard', 'db.json')).local.ygopro.path;
if (legacy_ygopro_path) {
} catch (error) {
......@@ -135,7 +197,7 @@ export class AppsService {
// 设置App关系
for (let [id,app] of apps) {
let temp=app.actions;
let temp = app.actions;
let map = new Map<string,any>();
for (let action of Object.keys(temp)) {
let openId = temp[action]["open"];
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