Commit 8da9ba82 authored by Unicorn369's avatar Unicorn369

Merge branch 'Test' of into Android

parents a0eaff39 d00f6710
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ updates/
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Transform:
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m_Father: {fileID: 417952}
......@@ -349,17 +349,17 @@ MonoBehaviour:
updateAnchors: 1
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mText: "\u7EDD\u671B\u795E \u5B89\u63D0\u970D\u666E\n[ff8000]\u6548\u679C|\u6076\u9B54\u65CF|\u6697\u5C5E\u6027|12[sup]\u2605[/sup]\n[sup]ATK[/sup]5000
mText: "\u7EDD\u671B\u795E \u5B89\u63D0\u970D\u666E\n[ff8000]\u6697/12[sup]\u2605[/sup]\n[sup]ATK[/sup]5000
\ [sup]DEF[/sup]5000[-]\n"
mFontSize: 30
mFontStyle: 0
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using YGOSharp;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
public class GameStringHelper
public static string fen = "/";
......@@ -327,17 +328,151 @@ public class GameStringHelper
return re;
public static string getSearchResult(YGOSharp.Card data)
string re = "";
if ((data.Type & 0x1) > 0)
re += "[ff8000]";
if ((data.Type & (int)CardType.Link) == 0)
if ((data.Type & (int)CardType.Xyz) > 0)
re += race(data.Race) + fen + attribute(data.Attribute) + fen + data.Level.ToString() + "[sup]☆[/sup]";
re += race(data.Race) + fen + attribute(data.Attribute) + fen + data.Level.ToString() + "[sup]★[/sup]";
re += race(data.Race) + fen + attribute(data.Attribute);
if (data.LScale > 0) re += fen + data.LScale.ToString() + "[sup]P[/sup]";
re += "\n";
if (data.Attack < 0)
re += "[sup]ATK[/sup]? ";
if (data.rAttack > 0)
int pos = data.Attack - data.rAttack;
if (pos > 0)
re += "[sup]ATK[/sup]" + data.Attack.ToString() + "(↑" + pos.ToString() + ") ";
if (pos < 0)
re += "[sup]ATK[/sup]" + data.Attack.ToString() + "(↓" + (-pos).ToString() + ") ";
if (pos == 0)
re += "[sup]ATK[/sup]" + data.Attack.ToString() + " ";
re += "[sup]ATK[/sup]" + data.Attack.ToString() + " ";
if ((data.Type & (int)CardType.Link) == 0)
if (data.Defense < 0)
re += "[sup]DEF[/sup]?";
if (data.rAttack > 0)
int pos = data.Defense - data.rDefense;
if (pos > 0)
re += "[sup]DEF[/sup]" + data.Defense.ToString() + "(↑" + pos.ToString() + ")";
if (pos < 0)
re += "[sup]DEF[/sup]" + data.Defense.ToString() + "(↓" + (-pos).ToString() + ")";
if (pos == 0)
re += "[sup]DEF[/sup]" + data.Defense.ToString();
re += "[sup]DEF[/sup]" + data.Defense.ToString();
re += "[sup]LINK[/sup]" + data.Level.ToString();
else if ((data.Type & 0x2) > 0)
re += "[7FFF00]";
re += secondType(data.Type);
if (data.LScale > 0) re += fen + data.LScale.ToString() + "[sup]P[/sup]";
else if ((data.Type & 0x4) > 0)
re += "[dda0dd]";
re += secondType(data.Type);
re += "[ff8000]";
if (data.Alias > 0)
if (data.Alias != data.Id)
string name = YGOSharp.CardsManager.Get(data.Alias).Name;
if (name != data.Name)
re += "\n[" + YGOSharp.CardsManager.Get(data.Alias).Name + "]";
re += "[-]";
catch (Exception e)
return re;
public static string getSetName(long Setcode)
string returnValue = "";
var returnValue = new List<string>();
int lastBaseType = 0xfff;
for (int i = 0; i < GameStringManager.xilies.Count; i++)
if (YGOSharp.CardsManager.IfSetCard(GameStringManager.xilies[i].hashCode, Setcode))
int currentHash = GameStringManager.xilies[i].hashCode;
if (YGOSharp.CardsManager.IfSetCard(currentHash, Setcode))
returnValue = GameStringManager.xilies[i].content + " ";
if ((lastBaseType & currentHash) == lastBaseType)
returnValue.RemoveAt(returnValue.Count - 1);
lastBaseType = currentHash & 0xfff;
string[] setArray = GameStringManager.xilies[i].content.Split('\t');
string setString = setArray[0];
//if (setArray.Length > 1)
// setString += "[sup]" + setArray[1] + "[/sup]";
return returnValue;
return String.Join("|", returnValue.ToArray());
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public static class GameStringManager
if (line.Length > 1 && line.Substring(0, 1) == "!")
string[] mats = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 1).Split(new string[] { " ", " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] mats = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 1).Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (mats.Length > 2)
hashedString a = new hashedString();
......@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ public class DeckManager : ServantWithCardDescription
string[] arg = new string[5];
arg[0] = item.Id.ToString();
arg[1] = "3";
arg[2] = item.Name + "\n" + GameStringHelper.getSmall(item);
arg[2] = item.Name + "\n" + GameStringHelper.getSearchResult(item);
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UISprite inputIP_;
UISprite inputPort_;
static bool EditIpAndPort;
public override void initialize()
......@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "233";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[OCG]Mercury233");
list.enabled = false;
EditIpAndPort = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
......@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "7210";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[OCG]Koishi");
list.enabled = false;
EditIpAndPort = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
......@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "1311";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[TCG]Koishi");
list.enabled = false;
EditIpAndPort = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
......@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "765";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[轮抽服]2Pick");
list.enabled = false;
EditIpAndPort = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
......@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "17225";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[OCG&TCG]한국서버");
list.enabled = false;
EditIpAndPort = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
......@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "7911";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[OCG&TCG]YGOhollow (JP)");
list.enabled = false;
EditIpAndPort = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
......@@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[Custom]");
list.enabled = true;
EditIpAndPort = true;
inputIP_.enabled = true;
inputPort_.enabled = true;
......@@ -201,8 +203,11 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
catch (Exception)
inputIP.value = ip;
inputPort.value = port;
if (EditIpAndPort)
inputIP.value = ip;
inputPort.value = port;
inputPsw.value = psw;
//inputVersion.value = version;
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ We use Yu-Gi-Oh card game only to test our engine, and the game is not for comme
# How to compile the game?
1. Download Unity 5.6.7f1 (
1. Download Unity 5.6.7 (
2. Clone the repository.
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