Commit b2ed3346 authored by Unicorn369's avatar Unicorn369

Merge branch 'Test' of into Android

parents d8d6f2c2 20e675cc
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public class GameTextureManager
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("erroe 1" + e.ToString());
Debug.Log("error 1" + e.ToString());
......@@ -1036,4 +1036,3 @@ public class GameTextureManager
......@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ public class HttpDldFile
client.Timeout = 3500;
if (Path.GetExtension(filename).Contains("cdb"))
client.Timeout = 30000;
if (Path.GetExtension(filename).Contains("conf"))
client.Timeout = 3000;
client.DownloadFile(new Uri(url), filename + ".tmp");
flag = true;
......@@ -96,4 +104,4 @@ public class TimeoutWebClient : WebClient
request.Timeout = Timeout;
return request;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -112,4 +112,4 @@ public class RoomList : WindowServantSP
Program.I().selectServer.KF_onlineGame(Name, ipString, portString, versionString, pswString);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class Setting : WindowServant2D
if (collection[i].name.Length > 0 && collection[i].name[0] == '*')
if (collection[i].name == "*mouseParticle" || collection[i].name == "*showOff" || collection[i].name == "*Efield")
if (collection[i].name == "*mouseParticle" || collection[i].name == "*showOff" || collection[i].name == "*Efield" || collection[i].name == "*AutoPicDownload")
collection[i].value = UIHelper.fromStringToBool(Config.Get(collection[i].name, "1"));
......@@ -7,30 +7,128 @@ using System.Threading;
public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UIPopupList list;
UIPopupList serversList;
UIInput inputIP;
UIInput inputPort;
UIInput inputPsw;
UIInput inputVersion;
UISprite inputIP_;
UISprite inputPort_;
public override void initialize()
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "exit_", onClickExit);
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "face_", onClickFace);
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "join_", onClickJoin);
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "name_").value = Config.Get("name","一秒一喵机会");
serversList = UIHelper.getByName<UIPopupList>(gameObject, "server");
serversList.fontSize = 20;
serversList.value = Config.Get("serversPicker", "[OCG]Koishi");
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "server", pickServer);
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "name_").value = Config.Get("name", "YGOPro2 User");
//UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "name_").defaultText = "昵称不能为空";
list = UIHelper.getByName<UIPopupList>(gameObject, "history_");
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject,"history_", onSelected);
name = Config.Get("name", "一秒一喵机会");
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "history_", onSelected);
name = Config.Get("name", "YGOPro2 User");
inputIP = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_");
inputIP_ = UIHelper.getByName<UISprite>(gameObject, "ip_");
//inputIP.defaultText = "服务器IP 或 域名";
inputPort = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_");
inputPort_ = UIHelper.getByName<UISprite>(gameObject, "port_");
//inputPort.defaultText = "端口";
inputPsw = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "psw_");
//inputPsw.defaultText = "房间密码";
//inputVersion = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "version_");
set_version("0x" + String.Format("{0:X}", Config.ClientVersion));
private void pickServer()
string server = serversList.value;
switch (server)
case "[OCG]Mercury233":
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_").value = "";
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "233";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[OCG]Mercury233");
list.enabled = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
case "[OCG]Koishi":
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_").value = "";
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "7210";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[OCG]Koishi");
list.enabled = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
case "[TCG]Koishi":
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_").value = "";
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "1311";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[TCG]Koishi");
list.enabled = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
case "[222DIY]Koishi":
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_").value = "";
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "222";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[222DIY]Koishi");
list.enabled = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
case "[轮抽服]2Pick":
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_").value = "";
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "765";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[轮抽服]2Pick");
list.enabled = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
case "[OCG&TCG]한국서버":
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_").value = "";
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value = "17225";
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[OCG&TCG]한국서버");
list.enabled = false;
inputIP_.enabled = false;
inputPort_.enabled = false;
Config.Set("serversPicker", "[Custom]");
list.enabled = true;
inputIP_.enabled = true;
inputPort_.enabled = true;
void onSelected()
if (list != null)
......@@ -160,7 +258,7 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
KF_onlineGame(Name, ipString, portString, versionString, pswString);
public void KF_onlineGame(string Name,string ipString, string portString, string versionString, string pswString="")
public void KF_onlineGame(string Name, string ipString, string portString, string versionString, string pswString = "")
name = Name;
Config.Set("name", name);
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
UIPopupList list;
UIInput inputIP;
UIInput inputPort;
UIInput inputPsw;
UIInput inputVersion;
public override void initialize()
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "exit_", onClickExit);
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "face_", onClickFace);
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "join_", onClickJoin);
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "name_").value = Config.Get("name","一秒一喵机会");
list = UIHelper.getByName<UIPopupList>(gameObject, "history_");
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject,"history_", onSelected);
name = Config.Get("name", "一秒一喵机会");
inputIP = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_");
inputPort = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_");
inputPsw = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "psw_");
//inputVersion = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "version_");
set_version("0x" + String.Format("{0:X}", Config.ClientVersion));
void onSelected()
if (list != null)
private void readString(string str)
str = str.Substring(1, str.Length - 1);
string version = "", remain = "";
string[] splited;
splited = str.Split(")");
version = splited[0];
remain = splited[1];
catch (Exception)
splited = remain.Split(":");
string ip = "";
ip = splited[0];
remain = splited[1];
catch (Exception)
splited = remain.Split(" ");
string psw = "", port = "";
port = splited[0];
psw = splited[1];
catch (Exception)
inputIP.value = ip;
inputPort.value = port;
inputPsw.value = psw;
//inputVersion.value = version;
public override void show()
public override void preFrameFunction()
void printFile(bool first)
if (File.Exists("config/hosts.conf") == false)
string txtString = File.ReadAllText("config/hosts.conf");
string[] lines = txtString.Replace("\r", "").Split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
if (i == 0)
if (first)
void onClickExit()
if (TcpHelper.tcpClient != null)
if (TcpHelper.tcpClient.Connected)
public void set_version(string str)
UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "version_").value = str;
void onClickJoin()
if (!isShowed)
string Name = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "name_").value;
string ipString = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_").value;
string portString = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value;
string pswString = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "psw_").value;
string versionString = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "version_").value;
KF_onlineGame(Name, ipString, portString, versionString, pswString);
public void onClickRoomList()
if (!isShowed)
string Name = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "name_").value;
string ipString = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "ip_").value;
string portString = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "port_").value;
string pswString = "L";
string versionString = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "version_").value;
KF_onlineGame(Name, ipString, portString, versionString, pswString);
public void KF_onlineGame(string Name, string ipString, string portString, string versionString, string pswString = "")
name = Name;
Config.Set("name", name);
if (ipString == "" || portString == "" || versionString == "")
RMSshow_onlyYes("", InterString.Get("非法输入!请检查输入的主机名。"), null);
if (name != "")
string fantasty = "(" + versionString + ")" + ipString + ":" + portString + " " + pswString;
list.items.Insert(0, fantasty);
list.value = fantasty;
if (list.items.Count>5)
list.items.RemoveAt(list.items.Count - 1);
string all = "";
for (int i = 0; i < list.items.Count; i++)
all += list.items[i] + "\r\n";
File.WriteAllText("config/hosts.conf", all);
(new Thread(() => { TcpHelper.join(ipString, name, portString, pswString,versionString); })).Start();
RMSshow_onlyYes("", InterString.Get("昵称不能为空。"), null);
GameObject faceShow = null;
public string name = "";
void onClickFace()
name = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(gameObject, "name_").value;
RMSshow_face("showFace", name);
Config.Set("name", name);
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