Commit a5ae6b9c authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

Fix for extended art, mask and formatting

move the art mask 2px up par Laibill's bug report
also fixed the formatting of card numbers (1px down) and lorebox (1px
down) in extended art mode.
parent b0c44252
......@@ -463,11 +463,11 @@ card style:
############################# Image
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 25 else if is_pendulum() then 28 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 27 else if styling.image_frame then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 23 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 24 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 47 else 51 }
top: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 109.5 else if is_pendulum() then 110 else if styling.image_frame then 106 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 102 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 99 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 110 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 111 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 110 else 113 }
top: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 109.5 else if is_pendulum() then 110 else if styling.image_frame then 106 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 102 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 99 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 108 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 110 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 110 else 113 }
width: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 371 else if is_pendulum() then 365 else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 374 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 373 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 366 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 368 else 347 ) ) else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 483 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 479 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 474 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 470 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
z index: 1
mask: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/mask-p_more.png" else "new/mask-p.png" ) else if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="proxy-like" then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "mask-p_more.png" else "mask-p.png" ) else ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_opaque_less.png" else "mask-p_opaque.png" ) ) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then ( if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "new/maskex1.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "new/maskex1.png" else "new/maskex1.png" ) else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then (if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "maskex1.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "maskex2.png" else "maskex.png") else "" }
mask: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/mask-p_more.png" else "new/mask-p.png" ) else if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="proxy-like" then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "mask-p_more.png" else "mask-p.png" ) else ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_opaque_less.png" else "mask-p_opaque.png" ) ) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then ( if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "new/maskex5.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "new/maskex5.png" else "new/maskex5.png" ) else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then (if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "maskex1.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "maskex2.png" else "maskex.png") else "" }
############################# Link Marker Border INDENTS MATTER
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ card style:
############################# Edition and Card ID
left: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 34 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 165 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork="yes" then 48 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 34 else 262 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" ) then 562 else if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 561 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" ) then 586 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 584 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") ) then 562 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 561 else 440 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" ) then 562 else if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 561 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" ) then 586 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 584 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") ) then 563 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 561 else 440 }
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
......@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ card style:
############################# Text box
rule text:
left: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 32 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and is_nmonster() then 460 else if is_nmonster() then 458 else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then ( if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" then 492 else 490 ) else ( if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" then 476 else 474 ) ) else if ( card.card_type=="normal monster" and styling.image_frame=="no" ) then 476 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 475 else 474 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and is_nmonster() then 460 else if is_nmonster() then 458 else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then ( if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" then 492 else 490 ) else ( if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" then 476 else 474 ) ) else if ( card.card_type=="normal monster" and styling.image_frame=="no" ) then 476 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 477 else 474 }
width: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 358 else 356 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 118 else if is_pendulum() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 65 else 82 }
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