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Last successful update .
  1. 25 Oct, 2020 1 commit
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      bugfix · 77151ca2
      Nemo Ma authored
      make Lyris' implemention fully work in original style
  2. 07 Oct, 2020 2 commits
  3. 21 Sep, 2020 4 commits
  4. 20 Sep, 2020 2 commits
  5. 19 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  6. 18 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  7. 07 Sep, 2020 2 commits
  8. 01 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  9. 18 Jul, 2020 5 commits
  10. 15 Jul, 2020 4 commits
  11. 06 Oct, 2019 2 commits
  12. 05 Oct, 2019 3 commits
  13. 23 Sep, 2019 3 commits
  14. 19 Sep, 2019 4 commits
  15. 30 Aug, 2019 1 commit
  16. 13 Jun, 2019 1 commit
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      cleanup · 677a6d63
      Nemo Ma authored
      change the ISO code of Chinese locales
      also dropped the old versions of Chinese locales.
  17. 11 Jun, 2019 1 commit
  18. 09 Jun, 2019 2 commits
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      hotfix · 65ca7f2f
      Nemo Ma authored
      changing the sample card
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      INFDEV 69 · 96b17d78
      Nemo Ma authored
      Official Branch:
      + Added OCG 20thSER shiny foils
      (Note: Won't be working with Extended Art or non-standard Pendulum due to OCG lacks them, if you want to contribute, It's certainly welcome)
      + Expanded the Speedduel Watermark function into customizable.
      + Added implementation of changing colors of SetID/Password/Copyright texts
      + Enhanced the way the card name field works, now it'll use the extra 40px of space when card attribute is set to ``None``
      (The above two changes were requested by on DeviantArt)
      Custom Branch:
      + Added resources for my Sound Stage Cards, didn't implement them yet because there are more to do.
      Updated the ``sample.mse-set`` file to reflect the updates.