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  1. 13 May, 2023 3 commits
    • hisuinohoshi's avatar
      fix clubslct · f8093969
      hisuinohoshi authored
      - 入场时选择称号没有加成的问题;
      - 入场物品依然会使用旧版称号生成器的问题;
      - 幻境解离计数成就二阶段描述文本有误的问题;
    • hisuinohoshi's avatar
      Update ach · b381b632
      hisuinohoshi authored
      - 在账户界面新增“查看累计游戏记录”选项,暂时只收录了原本的部分道具合成成就。未来将逐步更新对玩家击杀、合成、探索等方面的简单记录,并收录于该页面内;
      - 为套装、累计每日任务成就添加了对应图标;
      - 添加了通过元素合成达成幻境解离结局的隐藏成就;
    • hisuinohoshi's avatar
      fix elementmix · ce108f05
      hisuinohoshi authored
      - 元素大师使用『C.H.A.O.S』后无法进一步合成『G.A.M.E.O.V.E.R』的问题;
  2. 12 May, 2023 4 commits
  3. 11 May, 2023 4 commits
  4. 10 May, 2023 2 commits
  5. 06 May, 2023 2 commits
  6. 05 May, 2023 3 commits
  7. 04 May, 2023 1 commit
  8. 02 May, 2023 3 commits
  9. 01 May, 2023 2 commits
    • hisuinohoshi's avatar
      fix wep2 · cec0a976
      hisuinohoshi authored
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      Fix Logical Error · 0948bb98
      Nemo Ma authored
      Logical: These two skills that gave $rage should take a min value, max value will make the new $rage always 255.
  10. 30 Apr, 2023 1 commit
  11. 29 Apr, 2023 1 commit
  12. 28 Apr, 2023 2 commits
  13. 26 Apr, 2023 2 commits
  14. 22 Apr, 2023 2 commits
  15. 15 Apr, 2023 2 commits
  16. 13 Apr, 2023 2 commits
  17. 10 Apr, 2023 2 commits
  18. 08 Apr, 2023 2 commits