1. 04 Dec, 2023 2 commits
    • missionfloyd's avatar
      Lint · 06725af4
      missionfloyd authored
    • illtellyoulater's avatar
      Update launch_utils.py to fix wrong dep. checks and reinstalls · 639ccf25
      illtellyoulater authored
      Fixes failing dependency checks for extensions having a different package name and import name (for example ffmpeg-python / ffmpeg), which currently is causing the unneeded reinstall of packages at runtime.
      In fact with current code, the same string is used when installing a package and when checking for its presence, as you can see in the following example:
      > launch_utils.run_pip("install ffmpeg-python", "required package")
      [ Installing required package: "ffmpeg-python" ... ]
      [ Installed ]
      > launch_utils.is_installed("ffmpeg-python")
      ... which would actually return true with:
      > launch_utils.is_installed("ffmpeg")
  2. 04 Nov, 2023 2 commits
  3. 31 Aug, 2023 8 commits
  4. 30 Aug, 2023 13 commits
  5. 29 Aug, 2023 8 commits
  6. 28 Aug, 2023 4 commits
  7. 27 Aug, 2023 3 commits