1. 09 Jun, 2023 2 commits
  2. 07 Jun, 2023 3 commits
    • AUTOMATIC1111's avatar
      Merge pull request #11058 from AUTOMATIC1111/api-wiki · cf28aed1
      AUTOMATIC1111 authored
      link footer API to Wiki when API is not active
    • AUTOMATIC1111's avatar
      Merge pull request #11066 from aljungberg/patch-1 · 806ea639
      AUTOMATIC1111 authored
      Fix upcast attention dtype error.
    • Alexander Ljungberg's avatar
      Fix upcast attention dtype error. · d9cc0910
      Alexander Ljungberg authored
      Without this fix, enabling the "Upcast cross attention layer to float32" option while also using `--opt-sdp-attention` breaks generation with an error:
        File "/ext3/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui/modules/sd_hijack_optimizations.py", line 612, in sdp_attnblock_forward
          out = torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, dropout_p=0.0, is_causal=False)
      RuntimeError: Expected query, key, and value to have the same dtype, but got query.dtype: float key.dtype: float and value.dtype: c10::Half instead.
      The fix is to make sure to upcast the value tensor too.
  3. 06 Jun, 2023 10 commits
  4. 05 Jun, 2023 9 commits
  5. 04 Jun, 2023 16 commits